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 Topic: RPM 7.01

Replies: 22
Views: 9175
PostForum: SoF II Technical Help Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:23 pm Subject: Re: RPM 7.01
Or, in the worse hypothesis, how do i revert the configs to the original sethings?
 Topic: RPM 7.01

Replies: 22
Views: 9175
PostForum: SoF II Technical Help Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:53 pm Subject: Re: RPM 7.01
And just one more: no lags anymore, but the fps is too low...there is not an intermediary confg?
 Topic: RPM 7.01

Replies: 22
Views: 9175
PostForum: SoF II Technical Help Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:23 pm Subject: Re: RPM 7.01
Tnks, Teo. This is just what i was trying to know. I read your 'tips and binds' post and fixed my lag problens... really interesting...
What i also was trying to know was how many servers you guys have... there is the extreme damage deathmatch, de mp_shop capture the flag, the modded maps [wich i cant access]... do you have a list?
See ya!
 Topic: RPM 7.01

Replies: 22
Views: 9175
PostForum: SoF II Technical Help Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:48 pm Subject: Re: RPM 7.01
[/quote]enjoy your game in our servers[/quote]

...wich means that are more then one available, for sure. I used to enter in ip:, 'death match', and by using game tracker application, a could acces the port 20500 of the same ip, in the 'capture the flag' mode.
Questions: there are any more game types availables? Could i acces this 20500 port whitout gt progran, directly fron the game [there is no space for the last 'zero' of the number...]?
By the way, the rpm gives to the game another breath, pretty cool!
 Topic: RPM 7.01

Replies: 22
Views: 9175
PostForum: SoF II Technical Help Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:07 pm Subject: Bingow!
— Teo wrote
oki so i guess you have to:
    uninstal your sof2
    remove (delate) the entire old sof2 folder from your C:\Programs
    re-install the game

Just like you said! 100% on! Very much tankes, body.
 Topic: RPM 7.01

Replies: 22
Views: 9175
PostForum: SoF II Technical Help Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:34 am Subject: Re: RPM 7.01
I don't wanna piss you off, but i follow the simple steps and since i enter the game by the "bat" file, i have the prottocol error, wich not hapens when i access the fair play icon...
 Topic: RPM 7.01

Replies: 22
Views: 9175
PostForum: SoF II Technical Help Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:25 am Subject: Re: HELP: What exactly i should do whit RPMPro 7.01?
"Open the rpm7.01 folder, your (sof2mp.bat) is inside-copy/paste as shortcut."

In my rpm7.01 folder, the file 'sofmp' is a 'cfg' file, not a 'bat' one; the 'bat' file that you mean could be 'RPM_Start_Game', perhaps? When i enter the game by this last file that i said, i get a 'protocol version 2002' error, problably because i'm not using fair play when i do that.
Yes, you help me out, bu more help is needed...
Edit: and just one more: "copy and past" for where? Desktop? This is really needed, or is just for facilitate the acces? ['cause my game folder is already on desktop]
Tnks again.
 Topic: RPM 7.01

Replies: 22
Views: 9175
PostForum: SoF II Technical Help Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:11 am Subject: HELP: What exactly i should do whit RPMPro 7.01?
Hi, guys!
I'm a non-speacker english, and for me the text isn't pretty clear...
In what folder i have to put the 'RPMPro 7.01' folder?
'Root' means the same folder that the 'base' folder is [defalt: c:\progran files\soldier or fortune], or that i have to place she in the 'base' folder of this directory, instead of set she [the 'RPMPro 7.01' foloder, just for beeing clear] in other 'base' folder, like the one who the 'RocMod' contains?
I have already trying to put she in the ' c:\progran files\soldier or fortune' directory, and also in the 'base' folder of hin; in both cases the server tell me that i was not using the "RPMPro 4.0", who is the standart version, i suppose, with which the game can run whithou problens.
This should be simple, but i'm not getting... Help is wanted...

EDIT1: the message "you are not using the RPMPro 4.0, and can't see the scores" or something appears in the final of a match, just before the server change the map. At this time, when he is downloading the necessary files, and error occurs, and the game is closed. The message at the Fair Play screen is: "cvar 'subdivisions" must be set to 46. Can you help me whit this, to? [note: if i came back to the server, i can play another match, until the same occurs in his ends.]
 Topic: Banned, even before joing[!]

Replies: 2
Views: 1070
PostForum: Banned? Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:50 am Subject: Banned, even before joing[!]
Hi, guys.
Like the subject says, i get banned when try to use your server for the first time, whitout connect even, using the fair play aplication.
I try to change my user name, and see wath happens, and nothing happens, i still banned.
So i start to read the stuff, and have discover all the process involved to join the clan; by the way, sorry for the meddling - i'm a non english speacker [like you can see] and justify myself parttialy whit this.
I will now try to follow the rules, since i understand then...
So, not to stretching my thead too much, i like to use him to present myself, as the rules say to:

- Nickname on sof: jesus_33
- Age: 23 years old
- I want to join the clan to play this shoter whit humans, i.e., whit cooperation and strategy, although i'm not a great player at all [but i try to learn whit other players].
- Country: Brazil
- Time you played sof2: around 2 mounts, but i play fps by a long time.
- Other clans: nome, just used the 'heretics' servers, playing the 'capture the flag' mode.

So this is it; thanks for the atention, sorry by the errors and for try to use your server whitout the permission that now i see you require, and bye. Let's see...

P.S.: i forgot to post before, but here it is, my Game Tracker skkils:
Hope it help me... [lol?]
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