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 Topic: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.

Replies: 19
Views: 9924
PostForum: General Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:10 am Subject: Re: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.
You are an american piece of shit. And you cant even speak your own language man. If there was a way to prove my education about greek and ancient greek you was gonna feel like a monkey.

Guys trust me for one damn last time and kick this piece of shit out of the clan. Its a fucking disaster to have people like this inside a clan with respectfull leaders and admins. Its just my best friendly advice for you. Let him alone so he can play some L2 or any other MMORPG retarded games like the 90% of his country does. Becauze they are braindead.
 Topic: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.

Replies: 19
Views: 9924
PostForum: General Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:56 am Subject: Re: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.
— Darkraider wrote
Lol want to talk about lies? You say I go into s4a server all the time and talk shit about you, no. I say GTFO. Quit your fucking whining. Plus I've never said shit about you cheating, multiclanning, or any other shit like that. Seems like you have a guilty conscience.

This is not manly. Really.
And believe I know much more than I typed here about you.

Just be a man. And say yes I do wrote all the shit about him cauze I dont like him.
Fucking kiddo. Bot. You even cant have a 0.5/1 average. Fucking braindead bot.
People like you dont deserve friends, clans, respect. Really.

Just be a man at least.
Nevermind. Fuck this... I am not gonna spend more of my time for this trashcan.

Nice to see you again people. In the past I always was checking the forum plenty of times just to see how you doin.
I see lot of bad news and hopping you gonna find your way to remake a strong clan.
Peace. Cya arround.
 Topic: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.

Replies: 19
Views: 9924
PostForum: General Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:24 pm Subject: Re: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.
— Teo wrote
lol i don't agree with anybody and i agree with everybody keep calm and relax! you wrote me that u had to move to Germany to open the Disco... not me. Now i see was not true, what's that?

ye i'm sure another Tricksot played after you. if he stole your name or was your friend with your game i don't really care. i know there were another dude playing with that name as i'm sure you stole also the XYZ name once you were back.
remember here none have no brain you are no better than anyone so i repeat keep calm!

said that he will reply you if needed if not is not up to me he's not in our sof2 clan go post in his clan.

How would I open a disco if when I was 16-17 y o especially in an other country. WTF man this was just a joke when someone asked me what are you planning to do when you will grown up. And I told I am gonna open a big nightclub with drugs and other stuff... loel loel loel... Jesus!

For the other part of your post and for this XYZ. I really have no idea what are you talking about. And I neither care if someone was using my name. The only part that none can says nothing about and its 100% real. Is that I joined 2 times the YOB clan with same name. First it was <YB>']['rickshot (s-admin) and second it was <YB>*trickshot~* (rec) I think. Other else things people talking about is just randoms. When I was s-Admin I had for a signature one frame from Crysis with a blood texture name. The second time I had a Greek Flag with an ancient macedonian warrior. I can remember everything. None can tells me that I am trying to copy someone else or that I am lieng. Especially this trashcan DarkRaider.

Other else is just bullshit. And YES OFC I am better becauze I am playing on internet fps and mmo games since my 12. Its 11 years experience, making friends, hitting top rating and moving my team up. OFC I AM BETTER than everyone fkin kiddo that even do not know how to open his PC. My education is much higher, my brain is working much faster, my experience is much bigger. Welcome to our world guys. The good one moves the bad one goes to the can. OFC I am better. And I respect people only if they deserve that. I am not gonna put in the same level me and a fkin kiddo. This type of thinking is far far away from my culture. I believe to success due to hard work. Fuck everything else is for punks...

Sorry for bad english. Lock the topic. I m not gonna post again. I hope that this kiddo DarkRaider is gonna get killed by a real russian AK47... And my advice is kick him out of the clan. In the site you got a badge. ''No cheaters in the clan'' Lieing is also a cheat. Just kick him out. This kid got psychological problems.

Change the way you thinking you are killing your own clans. God bless you mr.Teo.
 Topic: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.

Replies: 19
Views: 9924
PostForum: General Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:44 pm Subject: Re: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.
— Teo wrote
i remember another Trickshot played in our server after you. maybe you first want to clarify with him? it would seem fair. i have to say anything to anybody he read the forum and he got a proper English not like me, so he's able get back to you as soon as possible i guess.

PS/ then you lied, fine S4A is your clan Wink !

— Teo wrote
i remember another Trickshot
Confused:  Confused:  Confused:  Confused:  Confused:  Confused:  Confused:  Confused:  Confused:  Confused:  Confused:  Confused:  Confused:  Confused:

This guy was both times. The first he reached s-Admin and the second one who went inactive on ReC*. Both times it was me.
No way it was other trickshot. If there was an other one then he stealed my name or was playing from a client I prolly uploaded to help some of my friends. Maybe there was a sof2mp.cfg file that had my name inside. I have no idea really. And just dont agree with that fucking retarded kid. Its really annoying. You know me about almost 10 years and you gonna agree with a fkin trashcan who cant even hit the buttons on the fucking pc. Ok jesus christ. I cant believe it really. I think Teo all this action to unfriend the power pc users and power gamers and preffer playing with low people fps games that dont have brain... killed your sever man. Friendly advice just...

P/S I never lied. Just kick the trashcans out of your clan. These are not humans. Donkeys like DarkRaider cant do anything on a clan to improve it. They can just play like a bot and get carried by humans. I am out. I got a fucking headache after reading all these random shit....

Have fun and have a nice day.
 Topic: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.

Replies: 19
Views: 9924
PostForum: General Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:51 am Subject: Re: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.

Some textures update I made. A gift for DarkRaider.
Maybe if he sees stuff about porn arround the maps he will stay calm.
 Topic: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.

Replies: 19
Views: 9924
PostForum: General Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:47 am Subject: Re: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.
— Teo wrote
Hey Trickshot, mmm you din't leve us to pursue a project with a friend to open a nightclub/disco in Germany? I'm getting old but I remember what my lost sheep tell me XD... Btw S4A.... PLZ..... however, I read as the title says.

No way this was just a joke man... Lol! By the way the other guy my friend went really in Germany and working in Man Company. I stucked in Greece... Anyway a lot of things changed in my life after that 5 last years. I think I can start hopping about of getting out of Greece. Soon I will get my accountancy pass from university, and probaply will find my way to a strong economical country to get a work / better life... No idea Teo. This Greece is to destroyed. I am studying about 5 years almost about accountancy and financial business systems. I am not planning to trash all my education just becauze I got borned in a retarded country. Or to find a job with 400-500 fucking nothing trasheuros per month... This is pointless... Anyway thats not the point of the post. :P

Just tell DarkRaider to stop all this trashspeaking about me. I even dont know who the fck is this guy. I only can remember that it was a YB with no skill on FPS games. Probaply he is getting jealous of people that can really play with pc. And he got jealous about a trickshot that is fucking retarded. I didnt played Sof2 about 2 years. I think if he was seing some glory days he would suicide instant.

Nvmind... Peace...
 Topic: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.

Replies: 19
Views: 9924
PostForum: General Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:02 am Subject: About DarkRaider. Uncle Badd Avant/Teo please read this.
Hello my old friends...

These last days I joined S4A becauze I really like their clan...
Mister DarkRaider coming all the time in the server and telling bad stuff about me and preventing other guys of not to speak with me and other things.

I really cant explain why this happening. I got some friends from YOB and we speak a lot in facebook and I respect them.
They respect me also as and old member that was for a short period of time s-Admin and also as a friend. I really think I did well that period and was in the server lot online. After that period I quitted cauze I got really bored/tired/wanted to find something else as a hobby/Started LeaugeOfLegends... After that tryout on new things I missed sof2 and I rejoined but It was to late. YOB Sof2 Died. So I never played again. And ofc came back to game last days and made my decision to join S4A cauze I am seing that the game is played by people/(scrims every day taking place).

Back to the YOB days.. The only rage/hate I can remeber was a humor rage between me and Neo/Oreo cauze they was telling me a 3rd camper and I was just camping more and more to rage them. But that was more like humor neither than hate.

I really cant understand what is going on mister DarkRaider. Just leave me alone. I never lied neither cheated neither tried to multiclan or other bad things. And I dont believe that I was a bad guy. I always was doing my best in my life. I dont want people to tell bad things about me. And the most important thing was that I tried to save the server with bringing lot of my friends online but as I told it was to late. Anyway I am playing this game over a decade and I can remember so many many happy things with people and I really really just dont care what a retarded kid telling about me. Continue lieing man. Its not gonna help you. Everyone knows what kind of person I am in my real life. They love me and I have a great happy life.

Peace. And please stop all this lies. Its not gonna help you to destroy people...
Also sorry for bad english. Have fun and be happy people.
 Topic: What's happening at end of month

Replies: 18
Views: 9254
PostForum: General Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 6:59 pm Subject: Re: What's happening at end of month
At the end of the month I'll stop camping.
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