Sistem Chrashed....
its easy, you just need the windows cd and you will understand the rest
I hope shipin I hope
:roll: Hmm,plz tell m8,haven it even work yet on any time ? Sound to me if not,u buyed a pc with no drive system in ?? If yes ofc u need a win7 cd.If it has work earlyer,settings is changed ( by your sister ?) by boot from C:drive to D:and thats the reason it ask 4 a win CD.Plz tell if u buy with or without drivesystem m8 .
— goofy wrote:roll: Hmm,plz tell m8,haven it even work yet on any time ? Sound to me if not,u buyed a pc with no drive system in ?? If yes ofc u need a win7 cd.If it has work earlyer,settings is changed ( by your sister ?) by boot from C:drive to D:and thats the reason it ask 4 a win CD.Plz tell if u buy with or without drivesystem m8 .
Goofy this insults me...
I bought Pc: operational sistem windows 7!
After to days i came home and my sister told me that computer went off.
I found windows 7 cd and i will rebot it tomorow!
Ty you all for help!
ok GL m8..
well ty
From the sounds of it -booting up and not going into windows maybe take it back to store and say whats with my new pc?
Last time they were fixing my pc 3 weeks.
So I called my cousin that works with computers and he will help me....
So I called my cousin that works with computers and he will help me....