Banned, even before joing[!]


Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:50 am
9 Posts
Hi, guys.
Like the subject says, i get banned when try to use your server for the first time, whitout connect even, using the fair play aplication.
I try to change my user name, and see wath happens, and nothing happens, i still banned.
So i start to read the stuff, and have discover all the process involved to join the clan; by the way, sorry for the meddling - i'm a non english speacker [like you can see] and justify myself parttialy whit this.
I will now try to follow the rules, since i understand then...
So, not to stretching my thead too much, i like to use him to present myself, as the rules say to:

- Nickname on sof: jesus_33
- Age: 23 years old
- I want to join the clan to play this shoter whit humans, i.e., whit cooperation and strategy, although i'm not a great player at all [but i try to learn whit other players].
- Country: Brazil
- Time you played sof2: around 2 mounts, but i play fps by a long time.
- Other clans: nome, just used the 'heretics' servers, playing the 'capture the flag' mode.

So this is it; thanks for the atention, sorry by the errors and for try to use your server whitout the permission that now i see you require, and bye. Let's see...

P.S.: i forgot to post before, but here it is, my Game Tracker skkils:
Hope it help me... [lol?]
Tue Oct 05, 2010 6:31 am
Clan Leader
5791 Posts

Your ip is NOT in the banlist Very Happy
DIRECTLY Above your post in this section is a post which says:

Why don't you click on that and read the directions... :fotfl:  :fotfl:  :fotfl:  :fotfl:
As for the rest, lets get to know each other first Very Happy
(Click on another server first, leave then try YBOB Shop Wink)
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