pjdebest is meby joining again:P
ey guys:D thist is the chance u all bin whaiting for,,, u guys can vote for me again:D
think the most of u guys know me, but for the once ho dussend.
name: peter jan
name in game : pjdebest
age: 21
from: holland, drente
why i wanne join the clan. now becose i always plays on the y-o boys server and always have much fun whit the clannies:D
so take u chance and vote for me:D
only + votes pls":P
greeds and loves pjdebest
think the most of u guys know me, but for the once ho dussend.
name: peter jan
name in game : pjdebest
age: 21
from: holland, drente
why i wanne join the clan. now becose i always plays on the y-o boys server and always have much fun whit the clannies:D
so take u chance and vote for me:D
only + votes pls":P
greeds and loves pjdebest
(+) vote from me
Yea..u got humor 2.. +..
@245; @196
+ vote
+ vote
Oh yeah..
+ vote
+ vote
+ vote
+ vote
(+) vote, dont go inactive again
Tag on m8
Welcome to ur trial
Welcome to ur trial
Welcome back <YB>pjdebest
You may remove your *REC
Please take a moment to read the rules regarding clan members and enjoy the game!
You may remove your *REC
Please take a moment to read the rules regarding clan members and enjoy the game!