maybe some of you don't know yet, as i set up this site spending a lot of my time here everyday i got
also my own site.
would be nice if you all reg there too, and visit it from time to time so to help and support me
increasing visits and helping to keep sof2 alive as mutch as possible sharing all the files that you have
in your HDs.
You can do mutch there just have a look on it!
You can also add Files in Dowloads module by following a few steps increasing number of those already
present and available for the download. and making them accessible to the whole SoF2 community.
I hope that you do this, especially since megaupload closed and many files have been lost 4eva.
my website for those who dont know yet is and is up since 2009, September
21 will be his third birthday. I hope to see many new registered and many new Downloads added for
that day!
thx guys for your support!
(Old Boys)Teo
also my own site.
would be nice if you all reg there too, and visit it from time to time so to help and support me
increasing visits and helping to keep sof2 alive as mutch as possible sharing all the files that you have
in your HDs.
You can do mutch there just have a look on it!
You can also add Files in Dowloads module by following a few steps increasing number of those already
present and available for the download. and making them accessible to the whole SoF2 community.
I hope that you do this, especially since megaupload closed and many files have been lost 4eva.
my website for those who dont know yet is and is up since 2009, September
21 will be his third birthday. I hope to see many new registered and many new Downloads added for
that day!
thx guys for your support!
(Old Boys)Teo
hmm will start visiting it more whenever i am able to and very nice update to it