Tecchnical HELP
Hello all
I reinstall SOF 2 , i can no longer play with you, I lack a Maps
help me please, its me lack of play, is the only drug that I have.
The clan i am missing too, : '(
which one u installed? dont worry mate! well gonna fix it
Hello Teo
the game is 'Result of Fortune double helix' but the version I do not know the date, but is is an old version.
I am trying with the cd and i have had the same message, lack: maps/instances/generic/bunker2.bsp
and i wanted to say to thee that thou done quite a job on this site cap! And also the other 'admin'. Thank you for work.
Hi try copying the Maps.pk3 file from your install cd to Sof2/base/ (where your sof is installed..)
Might be that the install managed to skipp the file you miss when installing
Or download this one https://dl.dropbox.com/u/66933689/maps.pk3
Might be that the install managed to skipp the file you miss when installing
Or download this one https://dl.dropbox.com/u/66933689/maps.pk3
I don't suffer from insanity--I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you for your assistant T?o and Infect
ca walks
Thank you for your assistant T?o and Infect
ca walks