New Joining Application #28 from Shady
You have a new Joining Application
From User Shady
Question: In Game Name:
Response: Shady
Question: Location:
Response: Pakistan,Rawalpindi
Question: GameTracker Name:
Response: Lightning12345
Question: Age:
Response: 12
Question: Applying for
Response: COD4
Question: Other clans you have been a member of:
Response: None
Question: The reasons you left your old clans if you had one:
Response: None
Question: Any old names you may have used:
Response: -
Question: Why you want to join our clan?
Response: I Like it and it comes all the time
Question: Time you played in our server:
Response: i think 1 day - 2 days
Question: Connection:
Question: TeamSpeak 3?
Response: No
Question: Extra Information:
From User Shady
Question: In Game Name:
Response: Shady
Question: Location:
Response: Pakistan,Rawalpindi
Question: GameTracker Name:
Response: Lightning12345
Question: Age:
Response: 12
Question: Applying for
Response: COD4
Question: Other clans you have been a member of:
Response: None
Question: The reasons you left your old clans if you had one:
Response: None
Question: Any old names you may have used:
Response: -
Question: Why you want to join our clan?
Response: I Like it and it comes all the time
Question: Time you played in our server:
Response: i think 1 day - 2 days
Question: Connection:
Question: TeamSpeak 3?
Response: No
Question: Extra Information:
i saw you online talked to u ingame right now, i give u a + vote 

Ty Teo 

Hi m8, gonna be a + from me too 

Well seeing as I'm inactive and all right now because I'm putting in job applications most of the day and what not I can't really say anything about you as I haven't seen you but I give the benefit of the doubt that you're a clean player and respectful, I say should be given a chance.

+ vote , In my opinion more practise and you will very good player, spectate yesterday was pleasure for me, you respect other players so I think deserve on chance to be one of us

I'll make decision when I see gametracker activity more than a visit or 2.
Oh wait I don't have to vote, we'll just wait n see if dark gets a job today
Rest would also like a say so here or perhaps back in clan section :roll:
Oh wait I don't have to vote, we'll just wait n see if dark gets a job today

Rest would also like a say so here or perhaps back in clan section :roll:
lol guys only leaders can vote...

hahah lol
Let's just give him a - cus my vote doesn't count either yay
Lol baad sadly still no job and need to give back another application on monday and ya your votes don't count but mine does cause i say it does XD

anyone still need to vote?
— Teo wroteanyone still need to vote?
Orange is out, so i guess no :roll: :roll: