New Joining Application #36 from Garcia
You have a new Joining Application
From User Garcia
Question: In Game Name:
Response: Garcia
Question: Location:
Response: SA
Question: GameTracker Name:
Response: Garcia
Question: Age:
Response: 30
Question: Applying for
Response: COD4
Question: Other clans you have been a member of:
Response: none
Question: The reasons you left your old clans if you had one:
Response: none
Question: Any old names you may have used:
Response: no
Question: Why you want to join our clan?
Response: I love th server
Question: Time you played in our server:
Response: about a month
Question: Connection:
Response: 4 MB/s
Question: TeamSpeak 3?
Response: No
Question: Extra Information:
From User Garcia
Question: In Game Name:
Response: Garcia
Question: Location:
Response: SA
Question: GameTracker Name:
Response: Garcia
Question: Age:
Response: 30
Question: Applying for
Response: COD4
Question: Other clans you have been a member of:
Response: none
Question: The reasons you left your old clans if you had one:
Response: none
Question: Any old names you may have used:
Response: no
Question: Why you want to join our clan?
Response: I love th server
Question: Time you played in our server:
Response: about a month
Question: Connection:
Response: 4 MB/s
Question: TeamSpeak 3?
Response: No
Question: Extra Information:
Hello Garcia, thanks for applying to us, i see you are from SA it's Saudi Arabia?
Pretty nice, appears you should get a chance.

where r you dark? wtf come at server!
+ vote seen u 2day at server.
+ vote seen u 2day at server.

I've seen you & spent time with you in server
+ vote
+ vote

oki Twixx do u think u can vote or we can let him join?
Lol going off topic teo but im busy trying to get a job

Let him in— Teo wroteoki Twixx do u think u can vote or we can let him join?

tag on mate! welcome aboard