New Joining Application #48 from DeathDealer
You have a new Joining Application
From User DeathDealer
Question: In Game Name:
Response: DeathDealer
Question: Location:
Response: Pakistan
Question: GameTracker Name:
Response: DeathDealer
Question: Age:
Response: 26
Question: Applying for
Response: COD4
Question: Other clans you have been a member of:
Response: none
Question: The reasons you left your old clans if you had one:
Response: N/A
Question: Any old names you may have used:
Response: DeathDealer
Question: Why you want to join our clan?
Response: to play as team and make new friends
Question: Time you played in our server:
Response: indefinite
Question: Connection:
Response: DSL 2M
Question: TeamSpeak 3?
Response: No
Question: Extra Information:
From User DeathDealer
Question: In Game Name:
Response: DeathDealer
Question: Location:
Response: Pakistan
Question: GameTracker Name:
Response: DeathDealer
Question: Age:
Response: 26
Question: Applying for
Response: COD4
Question: Other clans you have been a member of:
Response: none
Question: The reasons you left your old clans if you had one:
Response: N/A
Question: Any old names you may have used:
Response: DeathDealer
Question: Why you want to join our clan?
Response: to play as team and make new friends
Question: Time you played in our server:
Response: indefinite
Question: Connection:
Response: DSL 2M
Question: TeamSpeak 3?
Response: No
Question: Extra Information:
i give u a + vote i think other will do the same since none is active..
Thanks. mate I hope yes.
Legit baad moar + votes i say lol

— Darkraider wroteLegit baad moar + votes i say lol
being active instead of voting bad idea?

+ vote

Last edited by Tw!xx on Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
— Tw!xx wrote+ vote
Don't be a d!ck I'm gonna shoot you :!:
ok you are in. Tag on and welcome aboard m8
check this tutorial on how to set the tag:

check this tutorial on how to set the tag: