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Wed May 25, 2011 7:13 pm
508 Posts
Hey everyone. I'm facing a new problem with my SOF. When I come near a firefight or I'm right about shooting someone, my game almost freezes, it slows down really hard, and i'm screwed. This is new since this happens EVERY time i face an enemy. I have lag spikes frequently, I learned to live with that because it can't be solved (at least I don't know how, and i've tried a lot), but this makes it impossible to play, AND to spectate. When I spectate my screen freezes even more than before. Technics help me out please or I am totally F***d. Thanks a lot :)

P.S.: Reinstalling is not a solution. Been there, done that...

Greets, Hotty
Wed May 25, 2011 8:56 pm
1679 Posts
What mods do you use?

Wed May 25, 2011 9:30 pm
2366 Posts
Try /rate 25000 and /snaps 40
And do you have a proper graphics card in your pc?
And hows your internet?

Rest in Peace Hurt.
Wed May 25, 2011 9:46 pm
508 Posts
Internet is the same for more than a year, wireless but went fine before.
I use those lightthings but not a whole mod.
About the graphic card, i have no clue; i'll look it up.
The rate and snaps command have been tried too: no effect.
Thanks for replying Smile
Wed May 25, 2011 10:24 pm
1679 Posts
light things?

try without any mods rpm or otherwise.

Thu May 26, 2011 12:48 am
Clan Leader
5791 Posts
Perhaps reinstalling video driver?
I've found that when I touch snaps; even if I put back to default setting its fucks my game up so bad I have to reinstall it so it works again. I don't know if this is your ptoblem cause your description is some weird playing shit, so start with drivers I think  Very Happy
Thu May 26, 2011 5:06 pm
508 Posts
The things players are lightened up Smile blue and red forgot the name lol.
And how do I reinstall my videocard? :$
Thu May 26, 2011 5:15 pm
Clan Leader
5814 Posts
update the driver! or: format c: !!
Thu May 26, 2011 10:36 pm
Magnum, P.I.
2772 Posts
— Teo wrote
update the driver! or: format c: !!
LOL..format C...bye m8..hope u got sof 2 on discs... Laughing Seriusly..try this B4 format command: trash your sof2 (but NOT empty trash)shut down PC.Turn on PC,regret trash and see if its work now.. Wink hope u will succeed..gl.. Wink

Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:10 pm
348 Posts
Forget the /rate the game will give no more than 15000, forget the snaps.

Firstly I would suggest you get an extension direct to your pc wireless connection including mouse and keyboard is useless for gaming.

Without knowing your PC spec  before doing a format remove any programs you have installed and you don't use or require, ensure you have all upto date operating system critical downloads installed, as mentioned above make sure you have your graphic card drivers upto date, now defrag your system via tools.

Don't try yet  Wink

Download this free software it will fix lot's of little things you can do manually but this does it for you.


Install and run follow the prompts it will clean up.

Don't try yet  Wink

Now Nearly there download this free software which will enhance your pc performance by closing down process's not required to Game with giving your PC more power to concentrate on what you are doing.


These products are compatable with xp/vista and Win 7 if you have an Operating system other than please do not try and use.

If you can follow in sequence and use the versions I have linked (don't test any beta formats)

That should improve your stability regardless of which mod you use.

I am a sausage!
Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:20 pm
127 Posts
Thanks Solo these programs work fine for me! Very Happy

Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:58 pm
508 Posts
Thanks for the help, I'll test them soon! I'll keep you up to date about other problems that might occur while doing this, or if it worked totally perfectly fine. Smile

Greetings Hotty
Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:32 am
348 Posts
I'm not a PC buff am all self taught can build a PC to any spec,  but I know what the Quake 3 engine is capable of and that is what SOF II is built on.

I am a gamer and play games which demand more power than most, so I like to keep it as clean as a whistle and use all above tools before I even join a Game, every day without fail it just takes a few minutes, I run a Intel Quad core processor which multi tasks with ease and no need, but a PC is like the Engine in your car, look after it, and it will look after you.  Why under perform ?

I am a sausage!
Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:35 pm
508 Posts
Solo you're a f***ing magician Surprised My Sof works perfectly fine, even my starting lag (which I've had for a while now) is gone. I don't have to keep restarting anymore!! Many many many thanks to you!

Edit: I do still have some lag spikes, but only once every few minutes. That's probably my internet. And also, somewhere, i changed my screen settings :p, my screen is different than before, I downloaded some Nvidia update, perhaps that's the cause. Aaaaaaanywho, it's still way better than before!

Greets, Hotty
Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:47 pm
348 Posts
You are welcome and am happy you are smiling  Wink

I am a sausage!
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